While posting a message “I want to know where Mr. X keeps his money” may be OK as an expression of interest, make sure that you collect only legally obtained data from Global Asset Search users. Establish a direct contact with those replying to your ad, consult your lawyer on what you can legally receive and encourage the person who is about to pass you information to do the same. Do not break personal data protection or any other law.
We therefore encourage you to include in your messages a caveat that you are interested only in legally collected data. This can save you trouble.
If the law of your country (or any other law applicable to you) dictates that you may not engage in collection of certain types of data, do not post any ad for such data. Being an international platform, we have no way to know what is legal and what is not for you to collect in/from your particular jurisdiction, so do your homework first, consult your lawyer and only then decide on posting.